Integrating a file into a note

I have a problem integrating a file into a note.
It works if I have a path and a normal file
Only almost all the paths and files are a bit more complex ! :
file:///0, presta, gest/suivi(Atout, réseau).odt
How to do it in the meantime maybe markdown?

I answered also on Everdo Development Roadmap and Backlog - #56 by Andrei
Have you understood better, especially for the image?

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Yes, files with spaces don’t work well with URLs in plain text format. I can only suggest to use underscores or dashes instead of spaces. Other than that, the Markdown formatting feature might help in the future.

Does the link get highlighted, but doesn’t open?

I did, thank you!

I will wait for markdown for improvement of the notes part.
Too bad we are not information (even indicative) on planning (next version, next, later …).
This is the surprise!
I just bought your application because it works well and the future is interesting :slight_smile:

Thanks for supporting Everdo! I updated the roadmap post, trying to add more detail.