Shorten URLs for OneNote links

Hi. Thanks for a great app!

Is possible to make shortened links for OneNote?
For link like “onenote://D:/DESKTOP//OneNote/Book1/{F27F371C-EF84-4F6F-BEB2-3963D9CD520B}&page-id={E500FD29-FDC3-4280-B4E7-C5C1DC7EDEDA}&object-id={17BCBFB9-634F-0A2C-1D0B-C652A58BB288}&11”
For now, such links work but look too noisy

Would be great to make it like “Shorten HTTP and HTTPS URLs in item descriptions”. In any way. Even as a link with text “onenote link” it would be much better than now

I believe all links are being shortened in the same way, regardless of the actual schema. The shortening function simply displays the last segment of the URL and hides the rest, which in this cases is still not short enough.

I think it’s a good idea to cap the length of the shortened string in all cases. I will make a ticket to address this soon.

Thank you a lot :slight_smile:

Also if it’s possible could you add handling links like this? “onenote:{682E4BE6-93A1-460E-A597-610AB1C2DDAB}&page-id={256E6DE1-7A36-4A2A-9ACA-8F292E9C09B2}&object-id={448DBAA7-CA86-08F8-1332-A8A3FB3C809C}&1F”. Its a link for OneNote Books that has cloud sync in OneDrive. It looks like it do not opens links in app, only in browser. If we use such link in Windows Shortcut all works as expected


I think it’s a good idea to cap the length of the shortened string in all cases

That would be great! For ex in the case of telegram links, it’s very useful