Tag still visible at task, even when tag is deleted in tag manager

A bug occurs after this bug: Removed tags on tasks creation still added:

After this bug, I want to remove the (probably wrongly typed) tag.
I go to the tag manager, en remove the tag. But then the removed tag is still present at the task.

Version: 1.3.8

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Press “n” to create a task.
  2. Type a new tag name that not exists.
  3. Press “backspace” to remove the new tag from the task.
  4. Press “ctr” + “enter” to save the task.
  5. Go to tag manager with “t”.
  6. Remove the tag that you just added to the task.

The tag is still present at the task, even though you just deleted it.

Expected result:
The tag is removed from the tasks, because it doesn’t exists anymore.

Important note:
I’m not getting always this result. So, I guess this is a rare bug. Could not produce after a couple of minutes.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Removed tags on tasks creation still added