Collapse/expand improvements

It will be done soon-ish, I don’t have a time frame unfortunately.

I still miss a simple toggle button for show / hide notes on windows.

Please clarify why the existing shortcuts don’t work (the square brackets and left/right arrows, +Alt).

It’s about the click button not the keyboard shortcuts. Why should we need two clicks for such a simple function? It’s clumsy. I like how easy it works on android.

The keyboard shortcuts isn’t a problem for me since the workaround is fine for me.
On my German machine the right Alt+] or[ do a single expand and collapse
CTRL+ALT + ] or [ works as all expand / collapse.

The left Alt + [ or ] does nothing.

In my opinion every single useless click is one too much in the world and in my life. No need to click twice to toggle a view. Recent developments in Windows 10 show how many clicks one has to do for every single task. Why?
The shortcuts can be looked up under the help menu, isn’t it?
I suggest that the whole desktop app is checked for wasted clicks.

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