Colors and Theming

Count me for another vote to Dark UI implementation…


I’m in for this, too


For me a dark-mode is actually the one thing making me consider to wait before buying this. I know it isn’t the most important since it is just a style change. But I’m usually working nights (since I work a lot with the US from Europe) and everytime I go into Everdo with that bright colors my eyes gets a huge chock. :smiley:

All my other apps has a dark-mode (VS Codium, Joplin, Discord, etc.), so it is always a bit strange switching over.


Yeah, well I’m definitely waiting before purchasing until it has dark theme. The last few weeks, I just wasn’t able to use the app at night at all, I didn’t want to switch to the app anymore even if I had to, because it would hurt my eyes too much. I just started taking the notes elsewhere (like sometimes directly on the IDE…) with the idea of putting them on Everdo the next morning… which resulted me using the app less and less as days progressed.

I hope it won’t take ages for it to happen… as I can see that it was first suggested in December 2017…


The lack of support for operating-system-congruent dark mode is making me rather hesitant to switch from OmniFocus. It seems there is a similar disdain for dark mode by Everdo as there is for non-Apple platforms by the Omni Group, for whatever that’s worth…

I am specifically looking for a GTD app that is native to both macOS and Ubuntu. Everdo is basically only the option in that part of the platform Venn diagram, and it does look super nice, though the lack of support for OS-level dark mode makes Everdo feel less native than it otherwise could.

This thread should probably be linked from the roadmap. There are more replies on this than there are on half of the features that do have links, which might be an indicator of its outsize popularity.


I personally only use Dark theme with everything I do.
The Everdo color theme looks great. The light theme looks great. I can understand as a developer and programmer that color themes seem to only add aesthetic value which drops way down low on the list of priorities from that perspective. The problem is that most of the people who use our software are not developers or strickly practically minded. A good amount of people have illogical hangups with using a certain color scheme. It makes zero sense and yet it is a reality. I for one am one of those people. When an app cannot conform to dark mode it is distracting and takes away my focus from what I should be focused on. It is not only the color scheme of the app, it is other things around me. People like me tend to be easily distracted by other issues like noises or people around us.

So, while it of course makes little sense logically to spend time on aesthetics, half of the people have an illogical problem that cannot be solved any other way since it is a psychological issue.

More and more in my life (being more of a logically minded person) I’ve been forced to acknowledge the logic of things that are psychological.


There’s certainly no disdain. Dark mode is a useful feature, and a must-have for some users. In fact, there is already code in 1.4.1 to switch to dark mode, as a proof of concept, but it’s incomplete to say the least. This feature is very easy to start, but difficult to finish due to the number of small UI details that have to be updated.

I have updated the roadmap post, moving Dark mode to list B to better reflect it’s significance.


I think that moving dark mode to list A would be better option for the most of us!! :wink:


If we’re talking color themes, there’s something to be said for the option of having the accent color inherited from the operating system. Gnome, macOS and Windows 10 all have system-wide accent colors that can be set by the user.


I’ve been fiddling around with the CSS in the application Joplin, which, like Everdo, uses Electron. However, unlike Everdo, Joplin is open-source. Under the “Help” menu Joplin has an option to open the Electron development inspector, and Joplin is specifically designed to allow users to hack the CSS.

Would providing similar access to the Electron development inspector be “giving away the keys to the castle” in terms of intellectual property? By comparison, it’s worth noting that many Electron applications are also available as web apps, and the Electron development inspector only provides as much access would already be available through the web development inspector in Chrome…

One option if you (@Andrei) wanted to protect your JavaScript code while allowing access to the HTML for the purpose of CSS hacking could be using a code obfuscator like, which would make the the application logic significantly more difficult to modify or reverse-engineer.

I dunno. I’m just thinking out loud. How does this sound to you all?

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If I understand correctly, CSS hacking wouldn’t work because of component-scoped styles being used. That is, class names are dynamically generated to avoid collisions between components. However, the official dark mode is not that far off.

Here’s is what we have right now. There is plenty of styling to do still, but progress is being made.


Thank you - very happy to see that the Dark Theme is in the works!
Regarding the color tone - most dark themes in other apps use some very dark grey tone, as opposed to totally black. I think that this is less contrastring, and easier on the eyes.
Here are a few examples:


Also, I totally understand that the GIF you showed above is work in progress, but just to note anyway - it might be nicer if the borders colors got a bit darker in the dark theme:


Thank you Alex, you are right, that was pure black in the gif, which I agree is too much contrast. At the moment the background is at #121212, but the exact tones can be tuned still.

Anyway here’s what we have now for the dark theme.


Wow! It looks so good!


That looks beautiful, Andrei - really a pleasure to look at.
I can barely wait until this is released :slight_smile:

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Looks great, already looking forward to beta testing :smiley: :metal: :metal:



Dark mode just released in 1.5.3! Can’t wait to try this out later today!

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Quick question, is the dark theme only released on desktop right now? I couldn’t find the change on Android, so just want to confirm if I’m missing it, or it’s not there yet. :slight_smile:

Yup, only Desktop at the moment @AtBios

Thanks! Than I’ll wait for the next Android update! :slight_smile:

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