Date a task or a project "someday"

Hi @Andrei

A feature I really like in Everdo is the one that lets you see how long a task has been waiting for a response from someone.

In the same spirit, I think it could be very useful to know how long a task or a project is classified with the status “someday/maybe”. I find this information useful when doing a review of things to activate. It could appear in the same way as for delegated tasks.


I agree. A simple “created date” based on the creation of the task would be useful to weed out what should be dumped.


There is a way to display the creation date by adding “showMetadata”: true, to the config.json file. This will show the date the task was created as well as the date it was modified on the open task.

I think this is a temporary work around until something better is put in place but I can’t find the thread where it was talked about at the moment.


This is a great find. I plan to try it out tomorrow. Thank you!