Drag & Drop files to create file:///-link

It would be very useful if I could just drag & drop a file onto the note of a task or project to automatically create a file:///-link.


I agree. The file:/// feature is awesome but it’s sometimes hard to remember the script, find the path, and paste it into Everdo.

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hi all, apologies if this was already addressed but I’m new here and somewhat clumsy on here:

how exactly does one use the file:///-link script? I’m struggling and would like to be able to have a hpyerlink to applicable files pasted within the tasks in Everdo.

Thank you!

I think you’ll have to find a custom way to convert local links to URI links.

I’m on Windows, so I have created a .NET app, where I just drag and drop the file I want to get a file:///-link for, and it places the link on my clipboard so that I can paste it into Everdo.

Does this help?

It’s an interesting idea. I should take a closer look at what is involved in the implementation.

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I’m thinking it might be easier just to program a hotkey or shortcut in your file explorer to copy the path of the file, then you can easily paste it into Everdo.

It wouldn’t necessarily be easier… especially on several machines with different OS