Email importing

Did Everdo get x -callback- url like the examples mentioned above. This would be a God sent. Being able to shoot tasks via Drafts 5 on both the computer and the iOS version wouldd be grand. Essentially Drafts 5 would be sort like a powerful repository of tasks that could be sent to Everdo, either text or voice since Drafts supports both.

This is pretty standard practice these days with iOS/Mac as a way for developers to add additional ways for other apps to communicate.

If its been enabled, what are directives? If not, is it a possibility?

Thanks, I’m new to the forum and Everdo simple yet powerful layout brought me here. Cheers


The incoming callbacks are not supported now. But this is an idea well worthy of consideration, so I’m adding it to the Backlog. If the implementation effort is not huge, it might be added soon.


Looking forward to it. Thank you.

PS. The Drafts developer uses the same forum platform you use, coincidence or is it meant to be :slight_smile:

Did anyone ever figure out how to get the outlook://GUID links to work correctly? I can generate them, and they work well in outlook (useless), but they don’t work from Everdo. It keeps telling me I need a new app to open Outlook items.

A simple macro like the following will allow you to generate the link in Outlook. We’re ALMOST there

Sub GetMessageLink()
   'Original source here:

   Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
   Dim doClipboard As New DataObject

   'One and ONLY one message muse be selected
   If Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count <> 1 Then
       MsgBox ("Select one and ONLY one message.")
       Exit Sub
   End If

   Set objMail = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
   doClipboard.SetText "outlook://" + objMail.EntryID
End Sub

Do the generated links work when you paste them into the windows run dialog?