I warn in advance my English is very bad
Instruction manual Windows 10
1. Create Everdo folder and “old” folder in your cloud on your computer.
2. Create a text document.
3. Write the code into it.
4. Save as bat file.
5. Create automation to run the bat-file.
1. Create a folder in the cloud where the backup will be saved. And create an old folder in it to store the backup history there.
2. Create a text document at any convenient place.
3. Paste the following code into a text document, and change the paths to yours.
@Echo Off
Set Where=E:\Shared folder macOS\Dropbox\Apps\Everdo\
FOR %%f IN (“%Where%.”) DO ren “%%f” “%Date:~3,2%.%Date:~0,2%.%date:~6,4%_%time:~0,2%.%time:~3,2% %%~nxf”
move “E:\Shared folder macOS\Dropbox\Apps\Everdo*.*” "E:\Shared folder macOS\Dropbox\Apps\Everdo\old"
copy “С:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\everdo\db” "E:\Shared folder macOS\Dropbox\Apps\Everdo"
Let’s take a closer look at the code:
@Echo Off
Set Where=E:\Shared folder macOS\Dropbox\Apps\Everdo\
FOR %%f IN (“%Where%.”) DO ren “%%f” “%Date:~3,2%.%Date:~0,2%.%date:~6,4%_%time:~0,2%.%time:~3,2% %%~nxf”
The first command prefixes the file name with the date and time, the code was triggered in the folder where the last backup will be stored.
move “E:\Shared folder macOS\Dropbox\Apps\Everdo*.*” "E:\Shared folder macOS\Dropbox\Apps\Everdo\old"
The second command will transfer the renamed file to the “old” folder. Thus, you will have a history of backups.
copy “С:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\everdo\db” "E:\Shared folder macOS\Dropbox\Apps\Everdo"
The third command will copy the latest backup from the program folder to the cloud.
4. The document must be saved in “bat” format.
5. Create automation to run the bat-file.
Run Launch Task Scheduler > Create a task (Select the folder you’ve created and go to ‘Action>Create Task’. This will open the Create Task dialog box, which helps you define the task. Start by entering the name of the task. While it’s safe to continue with the default Security options, which run the task as the current logged-in user, you also have the option to run the task as another user.) > Set triggers (Now switch to the Triggers tab and click the ‘New’ button to define the conditions that will trigger your chosen task. You can either start a task at a particular time of the day or during particular events, such as the computer booting up. For now, just select ‘At log on’ from the drop-down list, which will start the task when a user logs in.) > Specify an action (Head to the Actions tab and click the ‘New’ button to define the action that will take place when the task is triggered.) > Click ok