Everdo Desktop Update 1.2.17- Everdo

It's now possible to go back after switching the view. For example, when reviewing projects, you can open the selected project by pressing "Alt+Enter", then go back by pressing "Backspace". This works for any list in the navigation section on the left.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://everdo.net/blog/update-1-2-17/

Great update, although back switching doesnā€™t work (azerty keyboard).

I select a project in projects list, enter in project with alt + enter and when I press escape key, it doesnā€™t go back.

This is strange. What is your OS?

It doesnā€™t want to go back for me either. Same:

Iā€™m on Windows.

It was tested on Windows 10. There must be another factor here.

Haha so the post says ā€œEscā€, but it should really be ā€œBackspaceā€ :laughing:.

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:smile: You found the factor! Backspace works :slight_smile:

Great new feature about switching views. Iā€™m surprised it doesnā€™t work with Mouse4 and Mouse5. Those would be the obvious choice for me as itā€™s the same in most applications, for example a web browser. Could you please add that as well?

Well, it doesnā€™t just automatically happen :slight_smile: The goal here was to extend keyboard navigation capabilities, further reducing the need for mouse.

Right. Iā€™d still vote in favor of it. I can understand that you donā€™t want bloat and I donā€™t think 0% mouse usage is your goal, right? After all, you implemented drag&drop like to move from next to someday, the settings need a mouse etc. I definitely appreciate the keyboard shortcuts. I was just hoping for the mouse ones as well :slight_smile: Do you feel itā€™s unnecessary or takes away from the mission?

Yeah it works !

Just a thing, is it possible to go back at the same scroll level ? For now, when we go back itā€™s a the top of list.

Iā€™m fine with supporting this, as long as itā€™s really a standard feature and technically feasible. Iā€™ve never had much experience with more than two mouse buttons, so I would need to learn more.

Yes, that would be nice. It doesnā€™t work like this automatically because of some technical choices, but it still might be possible to implement.

Cool, thatā€™s great to hear. Your mouse lacking these buttons also explains why itā€™s not implemented. Mouse4 and Mouse5 are the buttons at the thumb, one is for forward and one for backward. This is standard functionality under Windows and Linux, for file browsers, web browsers, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, Pycharm etc. For the text editors it switches between opened files. For Pycharm itā€™s even cooler. If you click on the method name of a function call for example, it takes you to the definition of the function. Regardless if itā€™s in the same file or not. By pressing Mouse5 (backward), you jump back to the original function call. That makes it handy for programming, but thatā€™s just my preference.

By standard I mean it works out of the box with any USB mouse you connect with any of the before mentioned software, without configuration. Since you implemented the functionality already, it should be sufficient to add a hook for these two events and then call the other method. How exactly this is done might be of course messy. But Visual Studio Code works too and that is based on Electron. So there must be a way. :slight_smile:

Yes, this is a good sign :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info!

When we use the global area filter then we can see only projects which have this area ascribed.
And then when we add an item within these project it automatically adds an area tag because it is an active filter but it should not happen because this tag is inherited form project.

When I use up/down arrows to move over items on the list then the scrollbar which belongs to the left side panel is also moving. As a result, the left side panel is scrolling up and down.

I was able to reproduce this. As a temporary workaround, click anywhere in the right side of the app. Also, j/k for up/down movement is not affected. Thank you for taking the time to report. It will be fixed in the next update if possible.

There is a strange behavior when we use only the keyboard to add a new task.
Press ā€˜nā€™ to open a new task dialog window
Write title and press ā€˜tabā€™ to switch to tags section
Choose a tag and press ā€˜escā€™ to quit focus from this section
Press ā€˜enterā€™ to close and save a new task

A new task is created but when we press the final enter key than the very first task on the list is opened to edition. It looks like Enter is sent two times. First to save a new task and second to open edition dialog for a selected task

This is indeed related to the update. Should be easy to fix. Thanks for taking the time to report.

Yes, there is definitely something wrong with scrolling.
Sometimes when I use up/down keys to move through the project list the screen is ā€œscrolling with meā€ even if I am on the very top items. As a result, the screen is scrolling faster than I switch to the next items and suddenly I lose selection on the screen.

I hope I described this clear enough.