Everdo Desktop Update 1.2.18- Everdo

This feature was delivered just in time because today I needed to clone one of my monthly projects!

I love this so hard, you can’t imagine !!!

I think this might work well as long as there’s still an obvious way to go to the project.

Probably a good idea as well.

When it comes to notes collapsing maybe in the meantime you could make them collapsed as default?

Thanks for the update @Andrei, the problem with thr proxy authentication is solved for me as well. :+1:

The context menu to assign a task to the project is completely different than the other parts of the interface. It looks rough and strangely.

What is more important definitely ther shoulb be a way to seach a particular project by name or phrase.

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My Next list on the top filter bar shows tags that aren’t used with any task on the list.
There are no done items.
It is strange…
It happens on macos. Tomorrow I can check on windows if needed.

iOS app shows everything correctly.


what do you think about this?

Yep, that would really be helpful. And please on android too.

What icon do you mean?


Two types of projects, the same icon.
I am sure that vertical and horizontal lines as an icon dependently on project type would be a better idea


The easiest way is to add a link which is visible only when hover a mouse on project name section. This is how it works in Nirvana.

I see, but is it valuable to distinguish between sequential and parallel projects in this context?

Maybe there is no big value but using the same icon which doesn’t have meaning is probably even less valuable:)

Hey there,
just wanted to let you now that i use Everdo on Fedora. I am a little sad about the removal of the .rpm package, but as long as it is ok to extract the AppImage i am fine.

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Does anyone have similar issue?

I have it. I’ll see what’s going on.

If there are any specific concerns about using AppImage vs rpm, please let me know.
Just to be on the same page, you don’t have to extract the AppImage. It’s not an archive, but a self-contained executable. You only need to chmod +x and then you run it as any program or script.

In my case this happened because tags from next actions of someday projects got included in the list. I think this can be fixed in the next update.

In my case it is different. Tags that I see in the Next list come from Waiting list or even from a particular project only (without next actions).

Does not work properly. E.g. Inbox. I set to collapsed when in inbox, then I restart the app on windows and everything is expanded again.
Same with next, waiting and so on.

It does work while the app is open but not when restarting.

Expanding and collapsing are excluded.

Do you mean collapsing of the list sections is not restored after restart?