CLOSING NOTE It has been been a long since this page has been created, and it never really worked well for it’s purpose of tracking your ideas and making the development plans more transparent. I’ve decided to finally close this topic and look for a better way to reflect the reality and priorities of the project. It will be based on the internal backlog and have more realistic plans. If you have any pain points, please do post in the Features category. Suggestions that have a chance of being implemented will be recorded in the internal backlog for now. In the meantime I’ll think about ways of making the internal backlog available publicly.
Below are some of the upcoming features roughly grouped by priority. Some features may end up being implemented out of order when it’s convenient. Within each group, items are not prioritized and will be implemented in the order that makes more sense at the moment.
There are also ongoing bug fixes on all platforms. They affect releases and some features may get included into bug fix releases totally out of order, based on estimated effort to implement.
Some features touch only one platform, others touch several, some touch the syncing code and the ESS. All this complicates planning a lot. This is why it’s really difficult to provide any more detail than this. There’s just not enough information before the actual design is done on each set of features.
What does this entail? I didn’t find a discussion on this or a mention of it.
In Omnifocus I use a script to export my completed items of the day (to Evernote). Been looking how I can capture my done items in Everdo. Copy & paste doesn’t work.
It’s been a quiet here lately, so I thought I’d share some info about the state of Everdo development.
Version 1.0 and Sync
At this moment all efforts are dedicated to developing sync ASAP.
So far it’s taking longer than expected, but I’m confident it will get finished in February. Network/Wi-fi sync will be in v1. Cloud-based a bit later.
Minor releases in Jan-Feb
Until sync is out, there will be one or two smaller releases with bug fixes and quick improvements from the backlog. Things like inline commands, usability improvement, etc.
May I ask about the focus on sync? I understood Everdo to be a desktop-first to-do app that doesn’t rely on cloud hosting. I don’t want cloud storage. I don’t need collab features. I don’t need a mobile app. I use it at my desk at work on Windows. This is the niche I see Everdo filling.
Many people have a desktop and a laptop for work. Almost everyone wants to be able to at least enter tasks on the go via a smartphone and not have to manually replicate them. At this moment, sync is considered the most wanted feature, followed by a mobile app (which is impossible without sync as well). This affects priorities. In any case, sync is 85% done. It will most likely come out in the nearest release.
There will be no cloud storage or collab features. Only an optional way to sync via a central Everdo sync server. It will be useful to users who want to sync multiple devices in different networks.
Everdo aims to be a future-proof, frictionless app. Being usable only on one device is hardly any of those things.
Given the spirit of the app is somewhat to eschew reliance on specific third party services, will there be the ability to sync via third party services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or the like?
Unfortunately, file sync services like Dropbox won’t be a good fit for the kind of data Everdo needs to store. It can be done in theory, but it’s too fragile to rely upon.
It’s true that we’d like to avoid dependency on a specific cloud for the core functionality.
This is why syncing over a local network is going to be released first. It will allow the user to sync multiple devices without relying on any cloud.
Hi there, I am a little lost. Is syncing, better networking features already implemented, or not?
We are just two, but would need to sync. Please let me know, if and when yes, how I can this make happen.
No, it’s not out yet. The network sync feature is at final testing and performance tuning stage. It should really be soon.
You’ll know as soon as it’s out if you subscribe to emal list here.
You app look wonderful. Given that at my job we are obliged to use Iphones, this is the only reason that prevents me from using it. As everyone under 30 I tend to live on my phone. Any idea when it will be available on ios?
@Andrei, have you seen SyncBits? The authors of MoneyWiz made this for the exact reason you mention: you don’t sync files, you sync smaller items. Would SyncBits be a possible sync option? It’s a free service (at the moment).
There are technical reasons this wouldn’t work. I can elaborate if you’d like.
In any case, a third party cloud sync service does not solve much - even if it works, it will be inferior. We are already making a sync service which is encrypted, lightning fast and seamless.
Regarding a service being offered for free, I’m skeptical of such claims. I just read that as “can be discontinued at any time” or “will sell your data”. Things that take human effort and someone’s funds to develop and maintain cannot be truly free for long.