Hi folks,
I’m wrong or I can only available to place reminders for today in my iphone?
Thanks in advance for your support!
Hello, a reminder should repeat every day at the same time as long as it is assigned to an action that is not completed.
Thanks for your reply Andrei.
If a taks is scheduled to be done in 2 months, receiving a reminder every day during 2 months is an important inconvinience. It is much more logical to link the reminder to the scheduled day or to the due date.
Is it possible to adapt the iOS app?
Thank you in advance
Actually it works as you would expect, that is the reminder will only begin on the scheduled day and continue daily until you complete or remove the action. That’s the design at least please let me know if you notice a different behavior.
Perfect. Thank you for your support!
Hi Andrei, I also had this same issue and maybe a different name than reminders might be helpful.
I too didn’t know I would get a daily reminder for unfinished tasks until they are done or cancelled.
Reminders (at least on mobile) is generally a static date and time, but this is more of a nag Reminder, or daily task reminder. It’s not without value, but it’s not what I expected either.
Thanks for considering a change here.