I’ve been using it for months now, and it works fine.
When I renewed the subscription more than a week ago, I no longer have the everdo sync (appImage 1.8.2) with everdo (android 1.7.7, no new version?).
I got several error messages depending on what I was trying to do (including push => Sync error 403).
When I do Sync configuration Helper and run “finalize setup”, it runs non-stop.
No changes other than subscription renewal.
Still unusable despite the time spent trying to understand.
Sorry you are experiencing difficulties. I have replied in PM.
Thank you, I didn’t think to log in again, as I just re-subscribed. Maybe put this suggestion instead of an error message?
When I logged in via my android smartphone, it pushed outdated items to my ubuntu appimage application!
How to avoid this problem?
At first I said I had version 1.7.7, is this the latest? If not how do I get the latest version as I didn’t get an update request via google play.