Possibility of adding JSON export/import to future mobile app?

I’ve just started using Everdo and have found it to be really impressive. Thank you for the effort that you’ve put into making this this app. I am eagerly awaiting the iOS app so that I can give Everdo a fair shake. Omnifocus is currently the only app keeping me on MacOS and I’m hopeful that I can completely move to Linux soon. Regarding the mobile component of your app, I’ve used network sync between my home and work PCs and it works fine, but requires the PCs to be on the same network and thus I must physically transport the devices when I want to sync them. I’ve found it even easier to export a JSON file to my personal cloud storage and then import that file to my work computer. I know that the iOS app is a ways off but I wanted to suggest import/export functionality for the mobile apps so that the user has the option of utilizing a cloud service if they choose. Is there a possibility that this could be implemented in the iOS app?

JSON Import/export will be a part of mobile apps.

Soon there will also be an option for seamless sync over the internet via an encrypted Everdo sync server. It will be inexpensive, easy to use and completely private.