Everdo. Some Samsung phones allow a physical button to open an app. That is currently Everdo. Google transcription now operates locally allowing pretty good voice notes directly into Everdo without a network connection. But, occasionally you want to do a long ramble in the dark by feel (no screen viewing). VoNo is free for a few uses a month. Braintoss would work, but costs. Both voice memo apps require further transcription into Everdo.
In the course of internalizing GTD, my ideas get transcribed so quickly when awake, that ideas that come when I can only use the phone by touch and not by sight don’t come as much. They’ve already been thought of. So having only a free VoNo voice notes isn’t a problem. I keep Evernote tied to the physical button. Still, I occasionally yearn for VoNo/Braintoss for those times you can only manage to feel a physical button on your phone (driving, half asleep, night operations which viewing a screen would mess up your night vision). If I know I’m getting into those I situations, I’ll make VoNo the app that opens with the physical button.
GTD (incl. todo):
Everdo. Why I’m posting here 
Habit Management:
Everdo. It’s perhaps 70% of the value of a full Habit Management app
PKM (Personal Knowledge Management):
A somewhat new field that encompasses knowledge management, brainstorming, reference. The applications are characterized by having very low friction idea/data entry and retrieval. Knowing how you want to organize you ideas/data beforehand isn’t required. The structure evolves organically.
I use the PKM Logseq, a competitor to Obsidian. Logseq has a similar philosophy to Everdo: control over one’s own data.
A spreadsheet (LibreOffice in my case) for data collection with rigid structures that I want to analyze…field studies etc. A PKM tool doesn’t have the mathematical analysis horsepower for this sort of data
Project Management: Mostly Everdo as Areas->Projects->Tasks->dashed tasklists within tasks provide 4 levels of hierarchy which is enough for most things. And having them in Everdo allows easy integration with the GTD approach.
Logseq is also used as it allows free flowing creation of ideas and their relations with almost no administrative friction. It’s good at initial stages when you don’t fully understand the areas needed to be considered and planned in a project
To fully chart out timing and dependencies, GANTT etc. I use a full on project management app.
Collaborative Work:
Whatever the rest of the team uses
Everdo. I’ve been able to fit my calendaring needs into Everdo even though that’s not really what it’s about.
Email: The sorting and long term archiving capabilities of email allow low effort knowledge management of reference material usually only with search, but occasionally by adding some tags. So most things just stay in email. Any active or interesting ideas go into Logseq.