I had my laptop open after midnight, it generated new tasks, I let it suspend and I went to bed. I checked the tasks in the morning on my phone. The tasks were regenerated.
When I looked at the last sync on the laptop it was displaying: Synced 2021-02-27T15:23:07+03:00
I would have expected it sync after task generation.
It does not sync when I hit the sync button despite being connected to internet, the sync option stays grayed out and nothing happens for at least 15 minutes
Restarting the application appears to correct the issue
I have Everdo on Windows, an android phone, and a Linux computer. All have the latest version. I use manual sync, with the Windows computer serving as the server.
When I make the Linux computer Sync (Push or pull), it always create an “error” box at the bottom right of the interface; but then, the sync goes well. But then, If I re-open Everdo on Linux after that, I have many repeated tasks that display themselves in focus; even if they have been ticked as done on the Windows computer, and even if I ticked them as done on Linux. It’s very strange.
It’s my only problem with the software so far; I’m loving it for every other moment !
Hi Klemet, I’m trying to figure out the root cause of the issue, but it’s difficult. I will send you a private message to discuss diagnostics steps.