I would like to be able to see a timestamp of when an item was created. As David Allen says,
If you are using a digital tool that has a date-stamp function, it’s great to use that for the same reason. The 3 percent of the time that this little piece of information will be extremely useful makes it worth developing the simple habit.
All the data is there to make this happen. The only reason this info is still not shown is because there’s no clear use case for it. Without a well-defined use case, it’s not possible to incorporate the feature into the design without it being arbitrary.
So the question is, in what circumstances would you find this useful?
It is an important information that supports the decision to delete an item or to move it to someday, easier.
I can’t count the times I’m scratching my head asking my self “how long is this already in my system. It feels like 2 weeks but in reality this is lurking around for 3 months…”
I would also like to see the creation date. It would be really useful for me, especially for notebooks. With multiple notes, it would be really convenient to be able to SORT them BY CREATION DATE. It’s an easy way to follow some progressions or to be able to view the last notes at the top without having to sort them manually.
I think when it comes to creation dates, the set of possible use cases is quite diverse, most of which are not essential to Everdo’s purpose.
As part of the upcoming release scope, there has been added a configuration file option that will enable the presentation of both the creation and modification dates within the item editor view.
I don’t particularly like the way it looks, so it will not be exposed as an in-app option for now.
I understand this might only work for some use cases, and not others, but realistically this is all I can do for this feature given the length of the existing backlog.
The creation date (as information in the list, on hovering eventually) would interest me to filter my tasks and allow me to find some created a few days ago which I do not remember the name or tag!
Creation date is crucial. I often deal with tasks that are years old and sometimes similar tasks added as duplicates. The information on when the task was created is really important when doing your review.
I think it would be very useful to be able to sort lists by creation date as well.
I wouldn’t mind seeing the creation date in a list, or at least a symbol letting me know if a task is days, weeks, months or years old.
Hope you will implement it!
Thanks, Thomas
Yes, it is. I would also find it very useful to ask everdo: what are my 10 oldest tasks?
Having used it in the past in another application, it is very useful.
I just wanted to open a new topic on that and found this older one then.
I would really appreciate to see the “created / changed / completed dates” also inside the GUI.
As I totally agree with @Andrei that the date is cluttering the GUI I would like to ask if you could implement it as a tooltip instead? This way everyone who needs it can easily access it without confusing every user with this information.
So if you are hovering the title of a task the dates are being shown. Would be very very helpful for my workflow because with the already implemented solution I have to click an item to see the dates and with this implementation i could just hover the title and switch to the next title easily.
Tooltips are already in use at the “collapse/expand” icon near the title so everyone could see how it would look like.