I love the energy field and use the time estimate a lot as well.
As we don’t have a “total time” in views, I just eyeball it, going over my tasks. But with different labels, the time and energy estimates never line up; your eyes keep searching.
I wonder if it would be possible to have energy and time, in that order, appear on the very right side of the task, where now the labels are listed.
As they are basically fixed width, those energy & time columns would always align.
It might be more helpful to just have the total time for the view calculated somewhere.
The time and energy labels will soon become interactive, i.e. the user will be able to change the value directly via a contextual menu. And the ‘delete’ button is on the right as well.
For items without a time/energy there would have to be a blank/wasted space between the tags and the delete button to maintain the alignment.