Everdo for iOS updates and testing feedback

Hi Andrei,

I’ve noticed another crash in current version, on iOS 13:

  1. Create an action, and set it as ‘Next’
  2. Go to ‘Next’ view and mark it as complete
  3. Find the action in the ‘Done’ list
  4. Remove the ‘Done’ mark with the idea of it showing as not completed. This causes the app to crash for me.
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There should be a way to go to project options from project itself. Now if we are inside the particular project and finish last task then there is no way to finish the project. we have to go to project list to access the options and finish it.


This has been implemented, but not released yet. It’s accomplished by tapping on the project title at the top of the screen. It works fine, but I’m not sure how to make it more discoverable.

For me what you described is very intuitive

For me it wouldn’t be, but I think it’s the best place to have that option without adding more buttons. Maybe adding a ‘<‘ at the start of the project title wouldn’t look too terrible and would help with the likelihood of people discovering the option.

Do you consider a wrapping text feature here?

We can still add time and energy info to the project.
I believe those shouldn’t be available?

Everdo is not only useful but is also a very clean and beautiful app. Please change these project names underlining. It looks awful :wink: Maybe an icon with an arrow that suggests we can press the title?

Yeah that’s a temporary thing :slight_smile:

Latest update has brought a layout problems on iPad. iPhone version has the same problem.

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I’m seeing the same - it’s because we have dark mode active on our iPads/iPhones I think

Nice catch. Strange that it’s only happened now.

Thanks for the fix! :slight_smile:

Testing is now open for all at TestFlight - Apple

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Still possible to set these attributes into a project

This bug is recorded don’t worry :slight_smile:

Today I have defined two tasks with scheduled dates on Nov 18 both. On my Scheduled list one of these tasks is under “this week” and second is under “next week”. It happens when I have set Monday as first day of the week. When I have Sunday as the first day of the week then both tasks are under “next week” section.

Now I have opened the app on iPad and both tasks are under “next week” even if I have Monday as my first day of the week. I am confused…

Thank you for reporting this.

Any decision about wrapping text?