As you might have noticed, in the past months we’ve been trying to maintain a development pace of one release per week for Everdo (desktop)
This will not be the case in the coming weeks as it was decided to focus all efforts on bringing Everdo mobile to production ASAP.
If a serious bug comes up, then there will be a quick update, but no features for now.
Meanwhile, a closed test of the Android app is coming soon. PM for invite.
great to see the mobile app getting ready! Just a thought, you could update the roadmap by mentioning that the focus is currently on mobile ( Everdo Development Roadmap and Backlog ). Right now it looks like nothing is happening since April, which is far from the truth!
As i had the same issue, you have to wait until you earn the Basic-Badge in order to get access to messages:
This badge is granted when you reach trust level 1. Thanks for sticking around a little while and reading a few topics to learn what our community is about. Your new user restrictions have been lifted; you’ve been granted all essential community abilities, such as personal messaging, flagging, wiki editing, and the ability to post multiple images and links.
The PM feature depends of the trust level of a user. By default users with a low trust level can’t send PM to anyone (you can find the list of possible action here).
There are a lot of options around trust levels in the admin interface and I’m pretty sure this can be changed if desired
P.S.: I’m also interested in testing the Android app, but since I’m a new account I can’t send any PM